It's a Cub's Life - Tale of a Lion Cub

September 4, 2024

My name is Mdogo - The Little One - in Swahili, and I am a little lion cub. My father is Osapuk, who along with my two uncles, Olepolos and Olebor leads the now world famous Topi pride of the Masai Mara. I have eight aunts and fourteen siblings and cousins. Altogether we are twenty four and growing rapidly as more of my cousins come into this world.

The famous Topi Lion Pride in the morning mist at sunrise
Lions in the Mist

The famous Topi Lion Pride in the morning mist at sunrise

After a night of feasting, we greet the morning sun as it comes up over the Topi plains, the place from which we derive our name.

Young lion cubs practicing tree climbing.
The Climbers

Young lion cubs practicing tree climbing.

The young ones will always get up to some mischief. Here they try to climb a tree.

Who goes there? The Lion King throws out a challenge
Who Goes There?

Who goes there? The Lion King throws out a challenge

The Lion King and his Queen returning from a night on the savanna
The King and The Queen

The Lion King and his Queen returning from a night on the savanna

Courting lions - Mom and Dad before I came along.

Courting lions - Mom and Dad before I came along.

Lioness brings out her one month old cubs for the first time, warily nudging them forward. Her previous litter had been killed...

Lioness brings out her one month old cubs for the first time, warily nudging them forward. Her previous litter had been killed by buffaloes.

Lion mother stands watchful guard as her young cubs nurse.

Lion mother stands watchful guard as her young cubs nurse.

Lion cubs drinking water at the shallow stream, while keeping a watchful eye out for any trouble.

Lion cubs drinking water at the shallow stream, while keeping a watchful eye out for any trouble.

Crossing the stream with Mom

Crossing the stream with Mom

Two lion cubs - Sharing secrets with my brother

Two lion cubs - Sharing secrets with my brother

Our lion pride looking down at the feast spread below
What's For Dinner Tonight?

Our lion pride looking down at the feast spread below

Lion cub Snuggling up to Mom is always fun

Lion cub Snuggling up to Mom is always fun

Lion cub lying on his father - I snooze with Daddy as he dreams
Sharing Dreams with Daddy

Lion cub lying on his father - I snooze with Daddy as he dreams

I watch over my Daddy as he sleeps in the late afternoon. Sharing some dreams with him.

Lion cub keeps a watchful eye - Looking out for trouble as Daddy sleeps
Keeping Watch

Lion cub keeps a watchful eye - Looking out for trouble as Daddy sleeps

Lion cub playing with father - Daddy sharing his wisdom with me
Now, Look Here Son

Lion cub playing with father - Daddy sharing his wisdom with me

We often have a talk and he looks at me with those huge eyes of his, full of wisdom and a lifetime of experience.

Lion cub and father - Daddy, can I tell you what happened today?

Lion cub and father - Daddy, can I tell you what happened today?

He allows me to come close and whisper in his ear, I tell him of all the fun I've had today with my brothers and sisters.

Angry lion - Daddy does get angry sometimes.

Angry lion - Daddy does get angry sometimes.

Daddy gets mad at us sometimes, we do tend to nip at his gorgeous mane quite a bit. Got to be careful, one swipe of his big paws and we're done for.

When the lion roars - Nobody messes with my Daddy

When the lion roars - Nobody messes with my Daddy

Lioness shows her teeth - Mom is no less.

Lioness shows her teeth - Mom is no less.

lion cub and father - Watching the sun go down with Daddy

lion cub and father - Watching the sun go down with Daddy

Some day, I will grow up and be as big and strong as my Daddy. Then I will have my own family. Until then, I am happy to be where I am, carefree, my life nothing but a new adventure every day.